Tuesday, July 30, 2013


Goodness it's been a while huh?  I have been super busy with life and other things i'm involved with so I have not uploaded my reviews here but I have been reading books and writing them so all I have to do is actually write the post.

I wanted to update you all on a few things!
1st  I have been participating in a summer reading program for all ages with my local library so I will be uploading all of those books (Your reviews are giveaway entries so lets hope I win a prize!)

2nd I will be participating in a Gallagher Girl read-a-thon hosted by Books As You Know It and you can find the link at the bottom of this post.  I am so glad they are doing this because the whole GG series and HS have been a big part of my life.  I first read them while I was on vacation to Disney World back in 2008 so there were only two books published at that time. You should definitely check out the host blog because it's pretty awesome (I love the colors.)  Leave a comment if any of you are participating too!

3rd  I will be starting up with weakly reviews again (probably Sundays) so be sure to look for those.
