After a foreword from Tony award winning director and choreographer, Jerry Mitchell, Keltie Colleen introduces herself - an average, everyday sort of girl from an average town with average parents. Ever since she can remember, she wanted to be a dancer. Throughout Rockettes, Rockstars and Rockbottom, we watch Keltie move to New York City and follow her dreams. She struggles and overcomes incredible odds to be invited into the world's premier dance company, The Radio City Rockettes. All of her dreams come true just as she falls madly in love for the first time with her complete opposite: a long-haired, whisky-drinking, rockstar. Keltie takes us on an adventure complete with painful missteps on her path to finding love, dealing with loss and working as a performer in the entertainment industry. When rockstar number one breaks her heart, Keltie replaces him with a long-haired, skinny jean wearing clone. And when that relationship ends, she finds herself dancing on the MTV Video Music Award stage making love eyes at her next skinny jean wearing future boyfriend, whose face in the coming months would taunt her from the cover of Rolling Stone magazine. Keltie hits rockbottom after finding out that rockstar number three had not only been touring all over the world, but touring the beds of various women. Left in a state of disbelief, she vows to break her addiction to emotionally unavailable men in skinny jeans. She does what any women does when her heart is broken: she cries, stops eating and is sure her life is over. Keltie walks us through the steps of healing heartbreak and finding yourself after your identity is stolen by someone else's heart. Her ability to be honest to herself and then share that with the world is not only incredibly brave, but inspiring. Charmingly
awkward, her resiliency, determination and love of life are truly something to aspire to.
It's the one story we want to hear again and again, a love story with a happy ending.
First off, I liked the structure of dividing it into thirds based on Keltie's relationships and she comes across as very likeable and relatable throughout the book. I also really enjoyed the design and color scheme of the cover.
I really enjoyed this book for multiple reasons 1. Keltie was a Rockette 2. She dated Ryan Ross (Those Chapters Were the main reason I wanted to read the book)
I got this book as a Christmas gift and stayed up reading until 2am. I think all fans of Rocker, Singer, and Dreamer (Nick Perri, Butch Walker, and Ryan Ross) should read it because you see a side that you normally don't see. I also think any dancers who want to pursue a dancing career should read it because it shows you the pains and hard...more
I really enjoyed this book for multiple reasons 1. Keltie was a Rockette 2. She dated Ryan Ross (Those Chapters Were the main reason I wanted to read the book)
I got this book as a Christmas gift and stayed up reading until 2am. I think all fans of Rocker, Singer, and Dreamer (Nick Perri, Butch Walker, and Ryan Ross) should read it because you see a side that you normally don't see. I also think any dancers who want to pursue a dancing career should read it because it shows you the pains and hard work of being a professional dancer.
I did enjoy some of the nicknames in the book like Spagatti and McCheese.
In the end, would I recommend this book to someone? Yes! Most definitely. Will I read it again? Probably.
(SPOILER ALERT) A few things in the book that "rubbed me the wrong way" was the fact that she says that she didn't even tell her mom about her miscarriage, but she put it in the book (I assume her mother read it) even though I did think it added a little something and that it seems like some of the things she said about her boyfriends (Mostly Ryan Ross) almost seemed like an invasion of privacy. If I were her and I wrote the book I think I would have kept some of the things in the book private (even though she does not actually refer to anyone by their real name it's not hard to figure it out and she's not very subtle if you read her blog)
Pages(including thanks at the end): 168
Total reading time: about 3.5 hours